Monday, February 15, 2010

Aiden's New Gig

We've found a replacement activity for Aiden's preschool. Gymnastics! Or 'nastics as Aiden pronounces it. It is definitely more up his alley. Lots of physical activity, minimal structure. He gets to go every Monday for a 45 minute class. At first I thought that this would be too short, but it is just right. The kiddo is actually starting to get worn out after 45 mins of straight out running, jumping, climbing, hanging, crawling, swinging, balancing, and rolling. Since I had the day off today, I got to take him to the class (the pictures below are from a couple of weeks ago though). It was a lot of fun to see him enjoy himself so much. I doubt the Olympics will be in his future, but we'll keep taking the 3 hour naps this class leads to!

And finally what we were going for, the kid is tuckered out...


  1. That is an inspired decision. Gymnastics certainly fits his activity level. I'm jealous though. That looks so fun.

  2. How did I miss this one before? That's sooo cool! And totally up his alley. Awesome. Molly would probably have a panic attack at the mere sight of gymnastic equipment!
