Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Best Pet

Meet Max. She is a cute little cat that allows Aiden to chase her around the yard, yell at her, and even pet her. She is a great pet, and the best part is that she is not ours. She is a stray that adopted our neighbors. They take care of her, and she just jumps the fence for a visit every once and a while.

Ft. Worth Trip

May 6th through 9th. We drove up to Ft. Worth for AJ's graduation, but stayed with Dan and Laura. Of course, when going to see Uncle Dan-O you've got to stay for longer than usual trips, and do more fun stuff.

We arrived at Dan and Laura's on the 6th and "convinced" them to join us for dinner at BJs. Unfortunately, Aiden interrupted our lovely dinner by trying to climb all over the booth and then throwing up. After a big tip to the poor waiter who got to clean up, we called it a night.

The next day, we went to the Ft. Worth Museum of Science and History which houses Ft. Worth's Children's Museum. Tay was able to convince the ticket guy that our family membership at the Houston Children's Museum should get us a discount. The guy was either confused, really generous, or city-competitive (wanted to show that Ft. Worth is more welcoming that Houston), because they let all 4 adults and Aiden in for free. We paid $3 in parking for the day. Awesome! Aiden had a blast running around the museum. When we got home that afternoon, we were treated to some up close cow viewing. It is so funny that Dan and Laura's neighborhood will get visited by the cows whenever they get out from the pastures adjacent to the neighborhood. Only in Texas!

On Saturday, Dan and Laura volunteered to watch Aiden all day for us, so that we could go to AJ's graduation. It was really nice to be able to visit with family, enjoy the ceremony, and celebration dinner without having to chase, corral, or quiet Aiden. We were really excited for and proud of AJ for graduating. When we got back to Dan's, they were playing at the park, and having fun. So much fun that when Aiden saw us, he yelled NO, and told us to go away. He didn't want his uncle Dan-O time interrupted.

We drove home on Sunday. It was a wonderful trip. Thank you, Dan and Laura. Your hospitality and company was greatly appreciated and enjoyed! We're looking forward to returning the babysitting favor sometime in the near future!

Uncle Dan's shoulders were more fun than Dad's at the museum.

What a cool kid! Do you see the cows?!

Don't be fooled, he loves Aunt Laura too!