Friday, August 27, 2010

Preschool Fever and.....Cereal?

Aiden has suddenly fallen in LOVE with all things preschool. I've been doing "preschool" at home with him for months but he's just now caught on with the whole excitement of back to school.
I'm quietly against child avertising so I only let Aiden watch PBS kids (very, very minimal ads for things like raisins, health food, children's gyms, etc.) and DVDs. He doesn't see hardly any "regular" TV. He has, however, seen the new Frosted Mini Wheats commercials where the cereal squares sit on the children's shoulders as they bound off the school bus, dressed in brand new clothes with coordinating backpacks bursting with brand new school supplies. This obviously has caught the imagination of Aiden because when we were at the store today picking up bread, he spotted the cereal from an impossible distance away. (Ooh, good! He got mom's 20/15 vision!) We then were NOT leaving the store without "preschool cereal". (Hmm... 5 grams of fiber and it's a carb - besides oreos - that he'll eat? DEAL.)
When we got home we were NOT having anything for lunch besides "preschool cereal". I poured him a bowl and watched him happily shovel in a few bites before I noticed him pause, look at the box, glance over his shoulder, look at the box, poke his cereal..... I reminded him to eat cereal with a spoon when he said "I want cereal to sit on my shoulder?" I laughed out loud and had to explain to him what he'd seen on TV was pretend but assured him this was indeed "preschool cereal" and that it helped him do good at preschool things. (Bah! It's not completely untrue. I just doubt the cereal will teach him the proper order of numbers bewteen 12 and 20 and that "forty six" is not one of them....)
With any luck this will help me get some food in him on the mornings he'll have SPARKS (the free mom & tot pre-school our district does to help children learn what is expected of them in a classroom). Now if only they had "preschool chair glue" so I could get the kid to sit still or "preschool pay attention fairy dust" so he would listen to directions longer than a single word! Even better would be a "preschool snare gun" and "preschool tranquilizer darts" but CPS may frown upon those.... For now I'm tempted to load up the yellow backpack Aiden sometimes runs around in with bricks to slow him down a bit but with my luck it would only build up his endurance! :D Ah, the joys of parenting!

1 comment:

  1. Fun to be so excited about all things preschool! And I think Aiden looks cute no matter the hair cut...but I sure do a double take each time I see a pic with him and his buzz!
