Friday, August 27, 2010

The Blokus King

Aiden has recently gotten into (sort of) playing preschool games and one day two weeks ago he spied the Blokus box as I was putting away one of his games with the rest of them. He asked for them and I paused, thinking they were nothing but little pentominoes (educational) and they were brightly colored, making them easy to pick up if he decided to throw them. Sure, why not?

What I didn't expect was for Aiden to become so serious and spend a FULL 45 MINUTES IN SILENCE attempting to fill his Blokus board with all the pieces. I was stunned! Why hadn't I thought of that activity sooner? I fetched the camera because I thought no one would believe me and here they are (pics are from August 11 which is why he still has hair!)

He's in deep concentration, sitting nicely, not throwing anything...who is this kid?

Logically testing & turning the pieces to see which way it will fit...

Experimenting with new combinations to see if he can squeeze more pieces in the same area previously occupied by pieces that did not fit together nicely... (That would be Brian's efficiency he's working with! Hopefully combined with mom's spatial intelligence?)
And now that he's done, he's got to drive Filmore on it because he is only 3 and EVERYTHING he builds must be "road tested" this way to determine it's driveability...LOL!
Now when I need a few minutes of quiet to get something done, Blokus comes to the rescue! Gosh I love this kid and sometimes he sure does impress me with his math-and-logic-based creativity!


  1. Way to go little Aiden man! And we like to give a little "road test" to everything in our house too. :)

  2. All the kids at our house love blokus, but 45 minutes is amazing. Looks like he is having a great time.

  3. Blokus is such a fun thing to play with and the colors are so pretty too.
