Thursday, July 8, 2010

Potty Training Mishaps

Tay: I really can't complain - Aiden practically potty trained himself but since he's working with equipment I don't have there were a few things I didn't know to warn him about. First of all, there were a couple days early on in June where Aiden thought it was HILARIOUS to "miss" the toilet as he was sitting on it and pee out over the edge of it. Bonus if he could get the stream to squirt through the tiny gap between the toilet seat & the porcelain bowl from where he was perched. (Seriously, where do boys learn these games? His dad works around the clock so at least I know Brian isn't teaching him this...)

Any ways, this hoopla lasted about three frustrating days until one afternoon on June 16 when I heard Aiden whimper "MOMMY!" from our bathroom in a surprised, almost frightened sounding voice. I dashed in to find him looking like this:

You can't see it but the wall, part of the side of his hair and his ear are all sprayed with pee! Apparently Aiden had sat down "wrong", with legs together, squishing everything so he was pointed straight upward when he relieved himself, soaking his shirt and spraying himself in the face! From this point on Aiden was flawlessly careful about pointing himself down into the toilet - as if any direction but down would spray him in the face - and I haven't had to clean up any liquid olympics messes in the bathroom ever since. Yay for good lessons learned through experience!

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