Tuesday Aiden's Behaviorist came to go over her behavioral plan for him. (She had awesome ideas!) Immediately after Mindy left we went with our next door neighbors, including their 10 year-old daughter Madison who Aiden loves & 8 year-old Parker to the Downtown Aquarium. We had a BLAST! Aiden got to pet a shark, a stingray, a prickly sea urchin & a starfish. So cool! A downpour outside trapped us inside the gift shop where I noticed Aiden itch his ant bites, still refusing to let me put anything on them. I had doused his hands in hand sanitizer immediately after petting the sea life so I figured he would be okay until we got across the street to Hard Rock where I could scrub his hands down before lunch. The day ended with a train ride, a couple rounds on the carousel and a Ferris Wheel ride. Aiden had a BLAST and fell asleep in the stroller during the 4 minute walk to the car. :)
Wednesday morning just before 6 am Aiden wakes up crying, sporting a foot and ankle that are pinky-purple and swollen to twice their normal size. His ant bites had been itched open in his sleep and the whole foot looks painful. I have to cuddle with him and soothe him, explaining that the doctor is still asleep until I can call in at 7:30 to get him an appointment. He saw his pediatrician first thing and she is certain of a staph infection, especially after I tell her about our aquarium trip. He is to start heavy antibiotics immediately since the infection is now spreading up his ankle & leg. He's JUST come off a 10 day round of antibiotics for a sinus infection he got before July 4th so the kid has been sick nearly all month. This is not what we need, especially since this is supposed to be my first day implementing Aiden's behavior techniques and the kid can't even walk, let alone stop whining long enough to hear what I am saying. Not fun.
Thursday is a bit better. He's crabby & cranky on his medicine all day but I survive, knowing one of my girlfriends is coming over to do crafts that night while Bri goes with the guys to see a movie. Just before I leave Bri & Aiden to run to Wal-Mart to pick up craft paint, Aiden falls off his bed, catching the corner of his mouth on the beveled wood edge of the footboard. I hear his scream-cry and find him spitting blood all over Brian's dress shirt. It's deeper than it is wide and Bri and I wonder if he needs glue or stitches. It's stopped bleeding so we let him go to sleep, agreeing we'll see how it looks in the morning:
Poor kid! It scabbed and seems like it will close nicely but I'm still going to be doctoring it so he doesn't end up with a scar. Luckily he's on a mega-dose of antibiotics at the moment so he's got a great chance of it healing properly with no infection. All my friends keep calling, wondering why I'm not at the pool (see: already infected & antibiotics have caused diarrhea) and I don't know if I can take much more of this accident-prone craziness!
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