Sunday, January 31, 2010

Happy Annivalenbirthtine Day

To give you an update on the how Annivalenbirthtine (see experience is going, I'll mention a conversation that I had with Tay this evening. She told me that complaining to the guys about Valentine's Day would still count as complaining. So, to clarify to anyone that thinks that they may have overheard anything along those lines, let me just say that I was merely reporting on the progress that I have made, and expounding on the appreciation that I am developing for that holiday.

I mention this because we are in the height of the Annivalenbirthtine season with only 14 or so more days until the big day. So this weekend, to celebrate, Tay's birthday gift was done a little early.

We said goodbye to a faithful friend who had kept us safe and happy for the past 9 years.

And said hello to the new and improved version!

Happy Birthday, gorgeous!! I love you!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Being A Big Brother Means...

...that it is still funny to give your kid brother bunny ears!

I love you, Dan! Thanks for always putting up with me, and being such a great little brother. I had a blast with you on our annual ski trip.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Zoo Trip

I had the day off today for MLK day. One of Tay's friends gave us a call in the morning saying that they were heading to the zoo, and invited us to go along if we were interested. We decided that it would be a blast.

We didn't know, however, that today was Free Zoo Day! We had to park in one of the Med Center parking garages, and walk over to the zoo along with half of Houston. It was so crowded that we mostly saw other people, and a couple of animals. The kids did seem interested in the few animals we were able to see, especially the giraffes. The most amusing thing of the day was that the kids had the most fun running around in the open convention center while the parents traded off restroom breaks.

Anyways, the weather was very pleasant, and it was fun to be together as a family and enjoy friends. Enjoy the pictures.

The Sweetest Thing

Last night we were invited to eat dinner with some friends of ours whose daughter is in Tay's primary class. During the conversation Tay asked this little girl what her favorite part of primary was. She thought for a moment and answered, "Talking with you."

I think I'm pretty lucky to be able to talk with Tay everyday too!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I went running last night. Did 4.08mi in 36:02 min. Not my best pace, but I was quite pleased since this was basically my first run since Thanksgiving when I stupidly inflicted on myself a very nasty sprained ankle. I had forgotten how much I’ve come to enjoy running late at night where on the right back street with the exception of the odd car driving by one can be the only person in the entire neighborhood outside. The heat of summer used to help keep people inside, and last night’s cold weather also did the trick. The fresh air, solitude, and the monotonous breathing and running rhythm help me to totally detach.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, this time of year is fairly introspective, and while running last night I was finally able to more simply define a quandary I have recently been trying to work out.

I’m picturing two spectrums. Movement along each spectrum is facilitated by action. One spectrum can be looked at as desirable for a happy life, and the other would be either misguided or undesirable.

Appreciative Satisfaction < --- > Self Improvement
Complacency < --- > Erred Ambition

I am wondering what is the key to figuring out on which of the two spectrums one lies. Tay always says that I view everything in too much of a black and white outlook, and that life is usually a lot more grey. Even so, ignoring the greys, I'd like to be able to apply this black and white test to life items. Unfortunately, on this topic I suspect that the key is probably personal and will vary across individuals, but I would be interested in any thoughts others may have.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Calling All Cars, It's A Sabotage!!!

On my way home from work I got a message from Tay. She was exasperatedly telling me to get home immediately. That we have a Grade A, full scale, Aiden mess on our hands, and that I am not to dillydally at all. I couldn't help but have all of my favorite cliche movie quotes go off in the back of my head, "This is not a drill! This is what you've trained for.", and "Game over, man.", but I decided it would be best to not share those with her on the phone, because she never thinks that is as funny as I do.

Anyways, Aiden has apparently learned how to unscrew caps. His cap of choice for today... the diaper rash cream tub. Once the cap was off, it was off to finger painting bliss. We got some pictures to humor everyone.

So, you may wonder what the little tyke's punishment was for this mess. A trip to Mickey D's for a cheeseburger happy meal and to Panda Express for mom and dad's dinner since mom didn't have time to cook, and to give her a break. By the time we got back home, she had everything cleaned up and was back to seeing the humor in it. What a super mom!

While waiting in the drive threw line at McDonald's, George Thorogood's Bad To The Bone was playing on the radio. Aiden sung along to the chorus, "Bad to Bone!" How fitting. On the drive home he yawned real big, and then told me, "Are tired, want nap." Obviously, his wreaking havoc is tiring work. He also told us during dinner some unintelligible words and then, "naughty behavior." Hopefully, that was his apology for the mess. Anyways, I'll leave you with a recent picture of our little imp. Can't you just see the mischievousness in his eyes?! :)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

9 Years!

Call it a combination of Christmas, the end of the year, New Year's, my wedding anniversary, and more hours of darkness - the beginning of the year is always a very introspective time for me. I don't prescribe to making resolutions just for New Year's sake, but over the past 5 to 10 years this reflective mix has resulted in me determining resolutions or themes for myself for the upcoming year.

For instance, our move to Houston almost 6 years ago was the result of one of these meditative times. After spending Christmas in Houston with the family, I was quite influenced by the example of my sister, Laura. She and her family seemed to be very happy and really enjoying Christmas. My work, relationship with Tay, and family goals weren't going very well at the time. The observations of my sister and her little family were the motivation I needed to recognize that things as they were in Dallas were not going to get me what I wanted in life. Two and a half months later, I had a new job, we were living in a different city, and Tay was headed back to school full time.

This year, and especially today, I am once again thinking on my relationship with Tay. To that point, I have listened as I have been unilaterally informed that my attitude towards Valentine's Day is incorrect, not appreciated, and that changing my chauvinistic views on the matter will be my resolution at least for the beginning part of this year.

So, in the same spirit of inclusion, mutual appreciation, and soul development which brought us Chrismahanukwanzakah, I will be embarking on my own personal journey towards Annivalenbirthtine's Day. 41 days of exploration and experiences dedicated to becoming in touch with my less Scroogey side, and to learning to recognize that the CEO of Hallmark can laugh hysterically while pushing us into the seventh level of hell by our wallet, February 14th is still the day that the world was made a little better.

Now, this post may be a prime contender for the Fried Cheese of the Year Award, but I am completely serious. I love my wife, and I want to be able to show her that I appreciate her so much that I can even come to enjoy Valentine’s Day. I just may have to change it into a slightly cooler holiday, Annivalenbirthtine’s Day. I love you, Tay. Happy Anniversary!