It wasn't too long ago that I realized that it isn't fair to expect Tay to keep my family up to date on all that our family has going on via her blog. She uses that for work and for the things that she is most interested in. Also, I've seen how easy it is for my siblings to use theirs as a journal to fulfill mom's Christmas wish of a yearly report. So, as a special gift to mom, I am starting this blog. I hope that you all enjoy!
To start, I'll tell you about Christmas Eve. I got off of work around 1, and got home right as Aiden was going down for a nap. That worked out perfectly, because Tay and I were then able to put together his big Santa gift in the backyard in daylight rather than at night with headlamps like I had thought I would have to do. I'll post pictures of it later today once Aiden has seen it. After we finished that we took a quick nap, finished cleaning the house, had dinner, and then got ready to decorate cookies. We had a blast!

Aiden even made a special omage to Papa Bob cookie! Can you tell which one it is?

Hooray for a Silver family blog!! And love the Whoville frosting colors.